Each and everyday I find myself dipping in to it's efficiencies.

Yesterday we needed to work on some TikTok ad scripts for inspiration for one of our clients to send to influencers.

✅ Give them a script outline.

✅ Give them scene suggestions.

✅ Give them a break down of the scene and script information.

How to effortlessly use ChatGPT to get these ideas?

1) 🧲 Create your script.

Example prompt:

<aside> 💡 "Write a 30 second script for a TikTok influencer to promote a [goal] that contains [product]. Include the following [value propositions]. Make sure to include CTA."




2) 🧲 Request 5 different scene ideas.

Example prompt:

<aside> 💡 "Please provide 5 scene ideas for this script."
